镜头快速模糊虚焦特效 Fast Camera Lens Blur v5.0.2

插件可以快速制作逼真的摄像机镜头模糊效果,渲染速度快!多种参数可控制. 此外,它还可以渲染通常通过组合几层模糊来表示的辉光。
Renders realistic camera lens blur just like the native “Camera Lens Blur” effect of Adobe After Effects but faster, way faster!In addition, it can also render glow that is generally expressed by combining several layers of blur. HOME – https://aescripts.com/fast-camera-lens-blur/
5.0.2 更新内容:
[修复]修复了在Ivy Bridge之前不适用于CPU的错误。
After Effects CS6 – CC 2019,2020
Premiere Pro CS6 – CC 2019,2020